Should you kiss your pet?

Jul 19, 2021

Should you kiss your pet?

It is a wonderful feeling to receive a warm, but slobbery greeting from your four-legged family members when you return home. Sometimes, that greeting may include a leg bump or an ear scratch. Are you being endearing?

Experts agree that it is extremely unsanitary for your dog's nose, eyes and face to lick your skin. There are many bacteria that dogs can have in their mouths. Some of these bacteria may be beneficial to their health. These bacteria are not intended to be absorbed through the thin membranes of our eyes, nose, and mouth. We will discuss the reasons your dog should not kiss your face, or any other exposed areas like wounds, and the possible consequences of letting your pet dog lick your skin.

Why do dogs kiss to show affection?

Cesar Millan says that licking behavior stems from inborn personality traits that canines have bred to help them communicate, bond, groom, or solve psychological problems. To show their affection, mother dogs use licking from the time of birth to bond with their puppies. Mother dogs will use licks to "wake up" their puppies after giving birth. They also use this method for grooming and teaching them how to use the bathroom. They will also feed their puppies solid food by regurgitating the liquids licked by the young until they are able to digest them on their own.

When two dogs meet for the first time or 1000th times, kisses and licks can also be used to bond them. Dogs will respond to a "feeling out", which is when they mistrust or are wary of one another, by either a nervous bark or a playful lick on the face or any other part of the other animal. These affections are used by dogs to show their respect for their pack masters or to let them know that they are thirsty, hungry, etc. Dogs living in domestic homes view their owners as their pack master. This is why the behaviors they have become accustomed to are transmitted the same way.

Excessive licking of dogs towards people or objects could indicate deeper mental issues. Separation anxiety, fear of being alone, or nervousness about noises, crowds, and smells could all be signs of deeper mental problems.

Why not to kiss?

Dr. Neilanjan Nandi stated that dogs' mouths are home to "an enormous oral microscopic microbiome of bacteria viruses and yeast." This bacteria can be transmitted to humans and can cause disease.

Dogs spend a lot of time looking around in places they shouldn't. We wouldn't think to give them a good sniff. Most people wouldn't touch the backs of another person (feces), or even take a taste of random garbage on the sidewalk. But your dog? These behaviors are likely to be displayed by your dog, if not all. These bacteria can also be transmitted to your dog's muzzles. Your dog can also transmit bacteria to their muzzles by wrapping their tongues around it for a quick clean-up.


Dogs are affectionate and lovable creatures. We would never want them to lose that aspect of their personality. The feeling of walking into a door and receiving a greeting from a hero is an amazing confidence booster. It can be helpful for all to set boundaries about how our dogs show their affection.

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