Reasons to Walk your Dog

Jul 08, 2021

Reasons to Walk your Dog

It can be difficult to take your dog for a walk when you are so busy and on the go. A recent study found that 33 percent of pet owners rarely take their dogs for a walk. Half of pet parents never walk their dogs daily. Even though it is not always possible to take your dog on long walks, it's a good idea to do so at least once a week.

You can't commit? You might consider hiring a dog-walking company to take your dog for a daily walk. A daily dog walking service is a great option for pet parents who have limited time. It will improve their dog's mood, behavior, and overall well-being. These are seven reasons you should take your dog on a walk, whether you're a responsible pet owner or a professional dog walker working for a pet company.

#1: Improve your health and manage your weight

The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention reports that 56 percent of American dogs are obese or overweight. Your dog could be at high risk of developing bladder cancer, skin infections and heart disease. According to the Department of Family & Consumer Studies dog owners are more likely to walk their dogs for at least four hours per week than non-pet owners who only manage one hour. Walking your dog can help you lose five percent of your weight and 15 percent of your dog's. You can also increase your cardiovascular fitness and blood pressure. It builds bones. Li-ran Bukovza is the founder of Puppy Tips.

#2: Train Your Dog

Is your dog using whole frozen turkey, or has he started to plowing your flower beds? He's likely releasing excess energy. Walking is a great way to train obedience commands and curb bad behavior. Steffi Trott, creator of SpiritDog training says that it is one thing for your dog to be able "sit" in the middle or center of your living room. But it's quite another to have him do this in a busy park. You can proof commands and teach your dog that training time can be anywhere you go.

Trott recommends that you stop your dog often on walks, and give him obedience commands such as "come" or "watch me". Stop at the curb. You can ask him to "sit" first, and then "down". If he stands up, correct him verbally with "no" and re-command him. Are you tired of tug-of-war with your dog's leash? You should only allow your dog to walk when the leash is free. If your dog pulls, you should stand still and then move forward to check on him. Don't let the leash slip or change direction if he is ahead.

#3: Make new friends

Dogs can help you find new people. Dr. Jennifer Coates is a member of the advisory board for Puppy Life Today. People are more inclined to have a conversation with someone who walks with their dog than if they walk alone or with others. For those suffering from depression or loneliness, this can be particularly beneficial.

Dr. Beth Frates, the medical editor for Get Health, Get a Dog is a Special Health Report by Harvard Medical School. Reesee was her first Goldendoodle. She met 15 other women and their dogs at a local dog park when she adopted her. The dogs learned social skills and the women spoke. Sometimes, the relationships were as simple as knowing that someone was " Archie"'s mom. Other times, they developed lifelong friendships.

#4: Strengthen your Relationship

Trott states that dogs have evolved a lot since being wolves but they still love traveling with their pack. Trott wants you to be the alpha dog, but you must earn his trust, loyalty and love. Your bond can be strengthened and deepened by regular one-on-one contact. Daily walks can help your dog if he is shy or afraid. This predictability can also boost your dog's self-confidence.

Do you already have an unbreakable relationship with your dog? Inject some surprise into your dog’s daily lives. You'll see that your dog needs to be in tune with you. Try new routes and different walking times every day instead of following the same route each day. Do you have a favorite dog post-workout treat that you can share with your dog? Instead, let him enjoy a peanut butter biscuit and turkey loaf. You can rock your dog's world if Saturday is your "walk in the parks" day.

#5: Explore the Environment

Beth StultzHairston, president, Pet Sitters International, says that even if your pet can't walk, it is still beneficial to provide outdoor time. A stroller can be used to take your pet on a walk. This engages his senses and allows him to experience the sights, sounds and smells outside. Do they prefer to stay put and focus on one place?

Regular sniff walks are a must for all dogs, regardless of age. Trott states that sniffing immediately lowers your dog's heartrate, particularly if the dog is overly excited, reactive or nervous.

Your dog's brain is 40 times bigger than yours. It's dedicated to discovering smells. It's almost like having your dog "heel" the whole way or pulling him away from every lamppost.

#6: Give a potty break

Dogs usually poop only once or twice per day. Two short walks can be helpful if your dog is having trouble bowel movements or becomes constipated. Dogs can move during bowel movements to aid in elimination. Toilet breaks don't only help with eliminating waste. Potty breaks are also about communication. Dogs use urine and feces to mark their territory. When they are scared, dogs' anal glands emit a musky scent. Sometimes, dogs' poop can signal danger to their companions. Urine is social media for dogs. Dogs want to see the most popular places to pee to find out the sex, health, and age of their followers.

#7: Make walking a habit

Trott suggests getting a Step Counter and setting realistic goals. She says, "Walk your dog for at least 2,000 steps each day in week one." "Walk your dog for 3,000 steps each day in week two. Continue this until you have reached 6,000 steps.

Are you concerned that your dog is overweight? He is more at risk of osteoarthritis and joint damage. It can cause pain, inflammation, bone spurs, and even death. According to the American Journal of Veterinary Research 20 percent of dogs in middle age and 90 percent of seniors suffer from osteoarthritis at one or more of their joints.

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