Playing with Cats

Sep 12, 2021

Playing with Cats

Like all pets, cats need to play. You can offer your cat a variety of play options, whether it's interactive games or toys that allow them to play alone or with other pets. Regular play with your cat will allow you to learn more about them and strengthen your relationship.

You may be able to set up an area for your cat to play and climb depending on their age, weight, temperament, and interests. This activity is best done with scratching posts and cat trees. You can make your own cat jungle gym if you have the tools. Or you can buy one at your local pet supply shop or online. You may have to be more involved if your cat is reticent.

Diverse activities are available

Activities that stimulate a cat’s natural hunting instincts can be a great idea. For grabbing a cat's attention, small motorized furry mice that can be controlled remotely and powered by batteries are great. The non-motorized mice can be attractive too. You will only need to mimic the movements of a mouse using a string attached to it. The same goes for feather toys, which are excellent bird replicas. These toys are attached to the end a string or stick so you can imitate the movements of a bird in distress. This is a favorite object for cats to stalk. You should not allow your cat to have any feather toys without supervision. If swallowed, they can prove to be dangerous. Everyone knows how much kittens enjoy a length of yarn. You can place a piece of thick ribbon, shoelace, or yarn on the floor or under a closed door so that the cat is not in danger.

Simple things can be very entertaining

You can keep your cat entertained by using things you already own around the house. You can make your cat's favorite toys by using empty boxes that have holes in them. Crumpled paper and tissue, especially the ones that make a lot of noise, are great for scratching and "caves". You can also use paper bags to crawl into but don't put any plastic bags in them. Plastic rings, empty paper towels rolls, and toilet paper, stuffed animals, etc., are all acceptable options. Be careful not to choke on household toys.

Find areas to climb & explore

Cats love to climb on cat trees and scrambling posts. This uses their muscles and wears down their claws. You can set up an obstacle course for your cat in your home if you have enough space. This will allow your cat to jump from one place to another. You can buy pre-made shelves online or build your own system with shelves that run from the floor up to the ceiling in steps. Many people add a wraparound, high-ceiling shelf to allow their cats to climb up and take control of their territory. You can buy or build an outdoor enclosure for your cat if you have a yard.

If your cat needs to lose weight, exercise wheels are a great option. These wheels are similar to those used for hamsters, but they are made for cats. They don't take up much space and allow cats to run as long as they like.

How to end a play session

If your cat is losing interest or has won a decisive victory, it's a good time to stop a play session. You can praise your cat for just showing up in both cases.

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